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Peer-Reviewed Publications


  1. McCubbin, F.M. & Anzures, B.A. (2025) Mercury. Treatises on Geochemistry, 3rd Edition.


  1. Anzures, B.A., Parman, S.W., Milliken, R.E., Namur, O., Cartier, C., McCubbin, F.M., Vander Kaaden, K.E., Prissel, K., Iacovino, K., Lanzirotti, A., Newville, M. (2024) An Oxygen Fugacity-Temperature-Pressure-Composition Model for Sulfide Speciation in Mercurian Magmas. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
  2. Anzures, B.A., Vander Kaaden, K.E., McCubbin, F.M., Rowland II, R.L., Moore, G.M., Prissel, K., Morris, R.V., Klima, R.L., Stockstill-Cahill, K.R., Agresti, D.G. (2024) Synthesis and Characterization of Fe-Poor Olivine with Applications to the Surface of Mercury. American Mineralogist.
  3. Anzures, B. A., McCubbin, F. M., Erickson, T. M., Jakubek, R. S., Fries, M. D., & Le, L. (2024) First widespread occurrence of rare phosphate chladniite in a meteorite, winonaite Graves Nunataks (GRA) 12510: implications for phosphide – phosphate redox buffered genesis in meteorites. American Mineralogist, 170-194.


  1. McCubbin, F.M., Lewis, J.A., Barnes, J.J., Boyce, J.W., Gross, J., McCanta, M.C., Srinivasan, P., Anzures, B.A., Lunning, N.G., Elardo, S.M., Keller, L.P., Prissel, T.C., Agee, C.B. (2023) On the Origin of Fluorine-Poor Apatite in Chondrite Parent Bodies. American Mineralogist.
  2. Schultz, C.D., Anzures, B.A., Milliken, R.E., Hiroi, T., Robertson, K. (2023) Assessing the Spatial Variability of the ~3um OH/H2O Absorption Feature in CM2 Carbonaceous Chondrites. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 58.2, 170-194.


  1. Mouser, M.D., Dygert, N., Anzures, B.A., Grambling, N.L., Hrubiak, R., Kono, Y., Shen, G., Parman, S.W. (2021) Experimental investigation of Mercury’s magma ocean viscosity: Implications for the formation of Mercury’s cumulate mantle, its subsequent dynamic evolution, and crustal petrogenesis. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 126(11), e2021JE006946.
  2. Nagaoka, Y., Suda, M., Yoon, I., Chen, N., Yang, H., Liu, Y., Anzures, B.A., Parman, S.W., Wang, Z., Grunwald, M., Yamamoto, H.M., Chen, O. (2021) Bulk Grain-Boundary Materials from Nanocrystals. Chem, 7(2), 509-525.


  1. Anzures, B.A., Parman, S.W., Milliken, R.E., Namur, O., Cartier, C., Wang, S. (2020) Effect of Sulfur Speciation on Chemical and Physical Properties of Very Reduced Mercurian Melts. Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta, 286, 1-18.
  2. Schaible, M.J., Sarantos, M., Anzures, B.A., Parman, S.W., Orlando, T.M. (2020) Contribution of Photon Stimulated Desorption (PSD) to Sulfur in Mercury’s Exosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 125(8), e2020JE006479.
  3. Anzures, B.A., Parman, S.W., Milliken, R.E., Lanzirotti, A., Newville, M. (2020) XANES Spectroscopy of Sulfides Stable Under Reducing Conditions. American Mineralogist, 105(3), 375-381.


  1. Boukaré, C.-E., Parman, S.W., Parmentier, E.M., Anzures, B. Production and Preservation of Sulfide Layering in the Mercury’s Mantle. (2019) JGR- Planets, 124(12), 3354-3372.
  2. Anzures, B.A., Watson, H.C., Kono, Y., Yu, T., Wang, Y. (2019) Compression of Porous Aluminum: Combined Ultrasonic and Microtomography Measurements with Lattice Boltzmann Permeability Simulations. High Pressure Research, 39(3), 438-456.
  3. Palumbo, A. M., Deutsch, A.N., Bramble, M.S., Tarnas, J.D., Boatwright, B.D., Lark, L.H., Nathan, E.M., Wilner, J. A., Chen, Y., Anzures, B.A., Denton, C.A., Tokle, L., Casey, G., Pimentel, A.G., Head, J.W., Ramsley, K.R., Shah, U., Kothandhapani, A., Gokul, H.P., Mehta, J., Vatsal, V. (2019) Scientific Exploration of Mare Imbrium with OrbitBeyond, Inc.: Characterizing the Regional Volcanic History of the Moon. New Space, 7(3), 137-150.

White Papers

  1. Vander Kaaden, K.E., Vervack, R.H., Rampe, E., McCubbin, F.M., Klimczak, C., Cline, C.J., Byrne, P.K., Anzures, B.A. (2020) Recommended laboratory and field studies ahead of future Mercury exploration. 2023-2032 Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey call for white papers.

Publications in Progress

  1. Anzures, B.A., McCubbin, F.M., Erickson, T.M., Jakubek, R.S., Fries, M., Le, L. First widespread occurrence of rare phosphate chladniite in a meteorite, winonaite GRA 12510: implications for phosphide-phosphate redox buffered genesis in meteorites. In Preparation
  2. Anzures, B.A., Dygert, N., Lucas, M. Thermochemical evolution of the winonaite and IAB iron meteorite parent body. In Preparation
  3. Anzures, B.A., Schultz, C.D, Milliken, R.E., Hiroi, T. Assessing effects of particle size on water content estimates of carbonaceous chondrites and their parent bodies. In Preparation
  4. Anzures, B.A., Parman, S.W., Milliken, R.E., Namur, O., Cartier, C., Wang, S. An fO2-P-T-X model of sulfide speciation in Mercurian magmas. In Preparation
  5. Anzures, B.A., Parman, S.W., Boesenberg, J.B., Milliken, R.E. Volatile (S, C, F, Cl) contents of enstatite in reduced meteorites as indicators of oxygen fugacity and volatile conditions in the early solar nebula. In Preparation

Invited Talks

  1. Anzures, B.A., Parman S.W., Milliken, R.E., Namur, O., Cartier, C. (2022), Sulfur Speciation and Solubility at Very Reducing Conditions Applied to Mercury and Enstatite Chondrites. University of Maryland Geochemistry Group
  2. Anzures, B.A., Parman S.W., Milliken, R.E., Namur, O., Cartier, C. (2021), Reduction Deduction: Determining fO2 of Planetary Formation and Evolution in Highly Reduced Systems. Carnegie Experimental Petrology and Mineral Physics Group
  3. Anzures, B.A., Watson, H.C, Yu, T, Want, Y. (2018), Core Formation of Planetesimals with Partial Silicate Melting. AGU Fall Meeting 2018, #417001 (Oral)

Conference Contributions


  1. Anzures, B.A., Vander Kaaden, K.E., McCubbin, F.M., Iacovino, K., Prissel, K., Boujibar, A., Righter, M., Righter, K., Lanzirotti, A., Newville, M. (2023), Sulfur speciation and trace element partitioning at very reducing conditions applied to Mercury and enstatite chondrites. Gordon Research Seminar and Conference. (Poster)
  2. Iacovino, K., McCubbin, F.M., Moore, G.M., Anzures, B.A. (2023), Silicon vapor species at very reducing conditions: Applications to Mercury’s mysterious hollows. EMPG 2023. (Oral)
  3. Anzures, B.A., Vander Kaaden, K.E., McCubbin, F.M., Iacovino, K., Prissel, K., Righter, M., Righter, K., Lanzirotti, A., Newville, M. (2023), Temperature effect on silicate melt-sulfide-metal trace element partitioning in the presence of sulfur under reduced conditions. LPSC Meeting 2023, #2586. (Oral)
  4. Etheridge, E.N., Anzures, B.A., Dygert, N., Goodrich, C.A., McCubbin, F.M., Righter, M., Jakubek, R., Fries, M (2023), Thermal evolution of enstatite chondrite and aubrite parent bodies: constraints from silicate geothermometry. LPSC Meeting 2023, #2590. (Poster)
  5. McCubbin, F.M., Lewis, J.A., Barnes, J.J., Boyce, J.W., Gross, J., McCanta, M.C., Srinivasan, P, Anzures, B.A., Lunning, N.G., Elardo, S.M., Keller, L.P., Prissel, T.C., Agee, C.B. (2023), Volatile abundances of apatite in CK and R chondrites: implications for apatite volatile records in oxidized and thermally altered chondrite parent bodies. LPSC Meeting 2023, #1730. (Poster)
  6. Moore, G., McCubbin, F.M., Iacovino, K., Prissel, K., Marrs, I., Macris, C., Anzures, B.A., Eckley, S., Vander Kaaden, K.E., Boyce, J.W., Righter, K. (2023), New experiments and modeling of silicon partitioning between iron-rich metal and silicate melt. LPSC Meeting 2023, #2173. (Poster)


  1. Anzures, B.A., McCubbin, F.M., Dygert, N., Barnes, J.J., Boyce, J.W. (2022), On the Origin and Evolution of Winonaite and IAB Iron Meteorite Parent Bodies: Application of Silicate Geospeedometry and Apatite Characterization. Meteoritical Society 2022, #6485. (Oral)
  2. Schultz, C.D., Anzures, B.A., Milliken, R.E., Hiroi, T., Robertson, K. (2022), How Variable are Hydration Signatures of CM2 Chondrites? – Comparing Spectra of Meteorite Chips Across Multiple Spatial Scales. Meteoritical Society 2022, #6103. (Poster)
  3. Anzures, B.A., Vander Kaaden, K.E, McCubbin, F.M., Iacovino, K., Moore, G.D., Prissel, K., Righter, M., Righter, K. (2022), Trace element partitioning in the presence of sulfur under reduced conditions. Goldschmidt 2022. (Poster)
  4. Anzures, B.A., Dygert, N., Lucas, M.P. (2022), Thermochemical Evolution of the Winonaite and IAB Iron Meteorite Parent Body. LPSC Meeting 2022, #2696. (Poster)
  5. Hooper, N.J., Dygert, N., Hrubiak, R., Monteleone, B.D., Anzures, B.A. (2022), Experimental Evidence for Liquid Iron Alloy Flotation on Silicate Melt. LPSC Meeting 2022, #2724. (Poster)
  6. Schultz, C.D., Anzures, B.A., Milliken, R.E., Hiroi, T. (2022), How Variable Are Hydration Signatures of CM2 Chondrites? – Comparing Spectra of Meteorite Powders and Chips Across Multiple Spatial Scales. LPSC 2022, #1572. (Oral)


  1. Parman, S.W., Evans, A.J., Alvarez, E.G., Weller, M.B., Reinhard, C.T., Ibarra, D.E., Anzures, B.A. (2021), Assessing the Abundance of Super-Mercuries and Their Habitability. LPSC Meeting 2021, #2477. (Oral)
  2. Anzures, B.A., Schultz, C.D., Milliken, R.E., Hiroi, T. (2021), Assessing Effects of Particle Size on Water Content Estimates of Carbonaceous Chondrites and Their Parent Bodies. LPSC Meeting 2021. (Poster)
  3. Schultz, C.D., Anzures, B.A., Milliken, R.E., Hiroi, T. (2021), An Investigation of the Sub-mm-scale Spectral Diversity of the ~3um OH/H2O Absorption Feature in CM2 Carbonaceous Chondrites. LPSC Meeting 2021. (Poster)
  4. Anzures, B.A., Parman, S.W., Milliken, R.E., Namur, O., Cartier, C. (2021), Sulfide Speciation in Mercurian Magmas. LPSC 2021. (Poster)
  5. Anzures, B.A., Parman S.W., Milliken, R.E., Namur, O., Cartier, C. (2021), An fO2-P-T-X Model of Sulfide Speciation in Mercurian Magmas. MExAG 2021. (Oral)
  6. Kremer, C.H., Anzures, B.A., Mustard, J.F., Pieters, C.M. (2021), Cross-over (4-8 um) spectroscopy as a tool to identify olivine and determine Mg# on Mercury’s surface. MExAG 2021. (Poster)
  7. Parman, S.W., Anzures, B.A., Cukjati, J., Cooper, R., Dygert, N., Mouser, M., Ohldag, H. (2021), Silicon Bonding in Mercury’s Magmas. MExAG 2021. (Poster)


  1. Mouser, M., Dygert, N., Anzures, B.A., Grambling, N.L., Hrubiak, R., Kono, Y., Shen, G. and Parman, S.W. (2020), Viscosity of the Mercurian Magma Ocean: Implications for the Mineralogical Stratigraphy of Mercury’s Juvenile Mantle and Crustal Petrogenesis. AGU Fall Meeting 2020. (Oral)
  2. Anzures, B.A., Parman, S.W., Boesenberg, J.S., Milliken, R.E. (2020), S-in-enstatite oxybarometer records evolving oxygen fugacity in the early solar nebula. GSA Meeting 2020, #141-1. (Oral)
  3. Anzures, B.A., Parman, S.W., Boesenberg, J.S., Milliken, R.E. (2020), Volatile (S, C, F, Cl) contents of enstatite in reduced meteorites as indicators of oxygen fugacity and volatile conditions in the early solar nebula. LPSC Meeting 2020, #1207. (Oral)
  4. Schultz, C.D., Anzures, B.A., Milliken, R.E., Hiroi, T. (2020), Assessing the Spatial Variability of the ~3μm OH/H2O Absorption Feature in CM2 Carbonaceous Chondrites. LPSC Meeting 2020, #2303. (Poster)
  5. Mouser, M.D., Dygert, N., Hrubiak, R., Kono, Y., Shen, G., Anzures, B.A., Grambling, N.L., Parman, S.W. (2020), Viscosity of the Mercurian Magma Ocean: Implications of Sulfur Free and Sulfur-Bearing Magma Oceans for Differentiation and Crustal Petrogenesis. LPSC Meeting 2020, #2098. (Oral)
  6. Parman, S.W., Evans, A.J., Weller, M.B., Reinhard, C.T., Ibarra, D.E., First, E.C., Anzures, B.A. (2020), Abundance and Habitability of super-Mercuries. LPSC Meeting 2020, #1999. (Oral)


  1. Anzures, B.A., Parman S.W., Milliken, R.E., Namur, O., Cartier, C. (2019), An fO2-P-T-X model of sulfur speciation in reduced basaltic melts. Goldschmidt Meeting 2019 (Oral)
  2. Anzures, B.A., Parman, S.W., Boesenberg, J.S., Milliken, R.E. (2019), Using Volatile (S, C, H, F, Cl) Contents of Enstatite in Reduced Meteorites to Estimate Oxygen Fugacity and Equilibrium Melt Compositions. LPSC Meeting 2019, #2179. (Oral)
  3. Mouser, M.D., Dygert, N., Grambling, N.L., Anzures, B.A., Kono, Y., Shen, G., Parman, S. (2019) Viscosity of the Mercurian Magma Ocean: Implications for Crystal Fractionation and Crustal Petrogenesis. LPSC Meeting 2019, #2030. (Oral)
  4. Tokle, L., Palumbo, A., Deutsch, A., Anzures, B., Boatwright, B., Bramble, M., Casey, G., Chen, Y., Denton, C., Lark, L., Nathan, E., Pimentel, A., Tarnas, J., Wilner, J., Head, J., Ramsley, K., Shah, U., Kothandhapani, A., Prasad Gokul, H., Mehta, J., Vatsal, V. (2019), Scientific Exploration of Mare Imbrium With OrbitBeyond, Inc.: Characterizing the Regional Volcanic History of the Moon. LPSC Meeting 2019, #2484. (Poster)


  1. Anzures, B.A., Watson, H.C, Kono, Y, Yu, T, Want, Y. (2018), Compression of Porous Materials: Combined Ultrasonic and Microtomographic Measurements with lattice-Boltzmann permeability simulations. AGU Fall Meeting 2018, #417659 (Poster)
  2. Boukaré, C.-E., Parman, S.W., Parmentier, E.M., Anzures, B. (2018), Production and Preservation of Sulfide Layering in the Mercury’s Mantle. AGU Fall Meeting 2018 (Poster)
  3. Anzures, B.A., Parman, S.W., Milliken, R.E., (2018), Effect of Sulfur Speciation on Chemical and Physical Properties of Reduced Mercurian Melts. Mercury: Current and Future Science of the Innermost Planet Conference, #6017 (Oral)
  4. Anzures, B. A., Parman, S. W., Milliken, R. E., & Head, J. W. (2018). Interior Volatile Reservoirs in Mercury. Mercury: Current and Future Science of the Innermost Planet Conference, #2047 (Poster)
  5. Anzures, B.A., Parman, S.W., Milliken, R.E., (2018), Effect of Sulfur Speciation on Chemical and Physical Properties of Heavily Reduced Mercurian Melts. LPSC Meeting 2018, #1694 (Oral)
  6. Boukaré, C.-E., Parman, S.W., Parmentier, E.M., Anzures, B. (2018), Spatial Partitioning of Sulfur in the Mercury’s Crystallizing Magma Ocean. LPSC Meeting 2018, #1964 (Oral)


  1. Anzures, B.A., Watson, H.C, Yu, T, Want, Y. (2017), Planetesimal core formation with partial silicate melting using in-situ high P, high T, deformation x-ray microtomography. AGU Fall Meeting 2017, #215406 (Oral)
  2. Anzures, B.A., Parman, S.W., Milliken, R.E. (2017), Sulfur Speciation in Heavily Reduced Mercurian Melts by K-Edge XANES Spectroscopy. LPSC Meeting 2017, #2039 (Poster)